Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Okay, so really Rachel won and I got to help. If you opened a new account with US Bank you received a $75.00 gift certificate to Smith's Grocery Store and were entered to become a finalist. Rachel, D.J.'s wife, was a finalist which meant she got to choose one of the 22 bags on the table, each bag had a $250.00 Smith's gift certificate and one bag had a certificate for a 3 minute shopping spree in the Smith's. Rachel couldn't make it up here because of school so I went in her place with the understanding that I got half of what I won. I won the shopping spree!
The Rules were 3 minutes or 3 shopping carts full of food. Me, being the planner I am, had visited the grocery store where the event was occurring the night before to map out my plan of attack. I had to return one full cart before I could get the next one and unfortunately I only filled two.
Watch the Fox 13 news cast or the uncut mad dash (also courtesy of Fox 13). After the mad dash through the store, I ended up with $3,642.73 worth of meat.
Not only did they pay for my tab (which was nice I must admit) but they matched the amount I got and gave it to the Utah Food Bank. The person in Nevada who won only got $700.00 worth of groceries.
When everything was bagged it took seven shopping carts to haul it all out to my car. This is what the back seat of my car looked like. We managed to fill the trunk up as well.

Editor's note: I updated the video links to go straight to the Fox 13 website rather than through Facebook.


Anonymous said...


Tiffini said...

How are you so lucky,and now post what you are going to do with it all!!

Tiffini said...

Ok so I just watched the videos, and I am so jealous why can't I ever win something like that, that's great!!

Sarah (: said...


Julie said...

That was pretty awesome! Amazing really! Congrats!

Abigail said...

That is so awesome! BBQ at Jessica's house. LOL

beth said...

Great job! Good idea getting all that meat!

Willow Park Ward said...


Amy :)

Emlyn said...

Lucky Lucky! PROMISE I'm still listening to Conference (just can't sit still anymore)... p.s. Can I take you up on your offer of a few of those nifty bags???!!!

Karen Dick said...

SO cool! It reminds me of the book (and the movie) The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio. Now that you've lived it, you should definitely give it a read!

Dacia said...

That's awesome! I love the uncut dash. Do you feel famous?

Haven said...

Holy cow! You are one awesome shopper! I hope you have room for all of it! lol I'm glad the Food Bank was able to benefit from your awesomeness!!