Thursday, July 24, 2008


Last Christmas Sharlene taught me how to knit. This week I made my first complex project and finished this beret. I have to admit I was surprised it turned out looking like a hat.


Julie said...

I actually started learning to knit about 4 years ago, and the scarf that I was making is still unfinished. Honestly I don't think I could remember how to do it anymore if my life depended on it. Oh well. Kudos to you though. The hat looks great!

beth said...

Hey - nice work! Was any of that done during Sacrament meeting? ;) You are SO talented!!

Shawn said...

That's an awesome steering wheel cover. Can you knit it in black leather for me?

Dacia said...

It's up really close in the picture and I first thought it was an umbrella. I was thinking it wasn't going to keep out much rain. Very nice though!