Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jillian Homecoming 2010

Jillian was on Homecoming Royalty and was totally robbed of the crown. ;) I was able to travel to St. George to see her and to do her hair for the dance. The parents escorted the Royalty members onto the track during half-time for the Homecoming Football Game. She looked amazing!
The following day was the day date and dance. Dad, of course, was on hand the threaten her date into behaving properly (as if that was a problem, he is a good guy!)

Jillian went with Kendall Wilkey, his dad Rex and our Dad were mission companions so it was just kind of funny that they went together. Jillian, of course, looked amazing (even wearing her Converses)!
Jillian has wanted to wear pearls in her hair since Jocee wore them to a dance and they looked incredible against her dark locks.

Every time there is a dance we always stage a photo of the girls (be it Jordanne or Jillian) pinning the flower on their date but every time I end up pinning the flower so the date doesn't bleed from the girls tender ministrations. This time the staged photo didn't turn out (Jillian looks stoned) and I accidentally ended up in the photo while pinning the flower on.
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I am glad I was able to be there to see Jillian looking all grown up!

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